2 New Street, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh BT74 6AH
028 6632 5615 (UK) | 048 6632 5615 (ROI)

MONDAY: 9:00-19:00
TUES/WED/THUR/FRI: 8:00-16:00
Available appointment times may vary.
For opening hours and all other queries please contact the clinic directly by telephone 02866325615 or via email belmorefootclinic@gmail.com
Belmore Foot Clinic was established in 2011. We are a podiatry clinic offering exceptional foot care for all foot conditions . Our team of experienced, fully qualified HCPC registered podiatrists are ready to treat a variety of lower limb conditions using evidenced based treatment methods.
Fully Qualified Staff
Client Care
At Belmore Foot Clinic we provide a wide range of services from routine foot care to more advanced treatments.

The Podiatrist will see a wide range variety of patients ranging from athletes to children and the everyday walker, who suffers from aches, pains and other common foot conditions. Foot, Heel and Ankle Pain. Shin, Calf and Knee Pain Hip. Pelvis and Back Pain. Leg length differences. Flat Feet and High Arches. Painful Corns and Callosities. Ingrown Toe Nails. Verrucae. Advice on Running Style and Trainers. Diabetic Foot Screening and Circulation Checks. Nail Surgery. Treadmill & Video Gait Analysis Lower Limb, Foot & Ankle Acupuncture. Specialist Taping/Strapping for foot & Ankle injuries. We carry

Patients are often referred by their surgeon, GP, Physiotherapist or other Healthcare Professional but can self refer having heard about the Clinic from friends or colleagues. All patients will receive a comprehensive assessment relevant to their needs. A detailed medical history will be taken for all treatments. It is desirable to bring a list of any medication you have been prescribed by your GP to your appointment This tailor-made treatment plan is designed to restore the foot and leg system back to more normal and symmetrical function. Treatment plans may include footwear guidance, orthoses (special insoles), exercises, lesion removal and possibly more invasive modalities such as injection therapy.

The human foot consists of 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles and tendons. All of which work in harmony in our everyday gait cycle. A small malalignment or injury to this intricate system can have implications for the whole lower limb and back. Any impairment in foot function can just like the tyres on a car, cause wear and tear to other parts of the body. This is magnified in the case of professional and amateur sports people due to the increase in intensity and frequency of activity. Athletes suffer more foot-related sports injuries due to an increase in plantar pressure up to four times your body weight while running. Further stress is also placed on the foot and biomechanical system from other rapid movements, common in sport. An orthosis (shoe insert), adjusted or custom made for each individual can often be the solution. Orthoses can re-align feet and ankles to their natural position and correct body posture resulting in natural, lasting relief and comfort from many aches and pains.

Belmore Foot Clinic provides a range of orthoses depending on the needs of the individual patient.
1. A semi-customised device, which is pre-made but can be customized to the patient’s individual requirements. These appliances can be used for children / young adults who are still growing or as a temporary measure to assess a patients suitability for orthotic therapy.
2. A fully customised foot orthosis can be prescribed and are manufactured using advanced computerised engineering processes. These devices can be ultra thin and are manufactured using a range of materials. Although a more expensive option they are durable and maintain their corrective effect. A customised device will have a life time guarantee to shell breakage. A choice of top cover is available if required of the orthoses which can require renewal every couple of years at a small extra cost. With an increased emphasis on active participation in exercise and sport, it has never been more important to ensure the wearing of correct footwear. Belmore foot Clinic can advise you with regard to choice of footwear suitable for your foot type, sport and lifestyle.

Richie Brace
The Richie Brace is a custom ankle foot orthosis designed to treat chronic conditions of the foot and ankle. With a contoured balanced orthotic footplate articulated to adjustable semi-rigid lower leg uprights, the Richie Brace is ideally suited to stabilize rotational forces at the midtarsal, subtarsal and talo-crural joints. Modifications and enhancements are available to add further restriction of motion in the sagittal, frontal and transverse plane. This specialised advice is used in treating sc conditons as adult acquired flatfoot secondary to PTTD, lateral ankle instability and dropfoot. A full asessement will be carried out to ensure the riche brace is best for your pathology.